Thursday, February 26, 2009


April 5th 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a treasonous Executive Order ordering citizens to hand their gold and gold certificates to the private Federal Reserve Bank: Executive Order 6102: "Section 2. All persons are hereby required to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, to a Federal Reserve Bank or a branch or agency thereof or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System all gold coin, gold bullion and gold certificates now owned by them or coming into their ownership on or before April 28, 1933""Section 9. Whoever willfully violates any provision of this Executive Order or of these regulations or of any rule, regulation or license issued thereunder may be fined not more than $10,000, or, if a natural person, may be imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both"
FDR proceeded to implement the "New Deal" which converted the United States of America to the United Socialist States of America. Instituting pure socialism in Social Security, the FCC to control the airwaves, the SEC to control banking and eliminate any potential competitors to the private Federal Reserve Bank.
We are still suffering the consequences of FDR's criminal "New Deal", a central government based on Fascist Socialism. Does F.D. Roosevelt earn the title of the worst president ever? Read the revealing article exposing the real deal by Robert Higgs

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